
Bloxbitz is formed with the vision of creating value to customers via new technologies like Blockchain, Metaververse, web3. We create products, provide support to startups, and implement projects.

Blox Products

With the intention of taking ideas to products, Blox Products is established with the vision of producing multiple products in the Blockchain, Web 3 space.

Blox Recruiting

Blox Recruiting is the fastest way to find the right resources for Blockchain related implementations. With short window from requirement to closing a candidate – we ensure that the hiring process supports the demands of the Recruiters

Blox Stealth

Coming soon……

Blox Advisory

Blox Advisory works with focused small and large investors providing funding support and mentoring to companies on their journey from pre-seed, seed, Series A, B and beyond.

Why Us?

  • Focus and expertise in the space of Blockchain and related areas

  • Pre-due diligence of companies resulting in faster time to fund raising

  • Responsiveness and openness to guide, advise and collaborate

  • Long term partnership mindset and approach

Peoples Trust